Rare Antique Books

Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition

Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition

Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition   Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition
You are looking at a rare 1st Edition "Masonry Past, Present, and Future" by Rev. Johnson entered into the Library of Congress in 1868 Printed in Buffalo in 1871. Book measures 8.5" by 5.25" by 1. I searched all I could on this only to find reproductions or digital copies at the Library of Congress. Price is based on scarcity and subject matter.
Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition   Rare MASONRY Past Present and Future REV JOHNSON 1871 Antique Book 1st Edition